Our Best of September


Fall is right around the corner—celebrate with these Atlanta events!

Brenda Sulmonetti, Daisy, 24×24 Oil on Canvas

SEP. 2 – OCT. 1 | DK GALLERY is set to host their September exhibition titled All Creatures Great & Small. Artwork depicting various kinds of animals will be on display by featured artists including Jeffie Brewer, Julia Burns, Lauren Chambers and more. The opening reception is Sep. 2 and will spotlight the Humane Society of Cobb County. dkgallery.us

Atlanta Food and Wine Festival at Lazy Betty’s Atlanta, GA, September 9, 2021. Photography by Chris Aluka Berry/Raftermen Photography

SEP. 13-18 | ATLANTA FOOD & WINE FESTIVAL is back this month with the city’s largest annual food and wine festival! Dine at some of Atlanta’s most celebrated restaurants and pursue the all-inclusive tasting tents. atlfoodandwinefestival.com

Photo by Eric Piasecki, design by Barbara Westbrook of Westbrook Interiors, Architecture by Historical Concepts

SEP. 17 | The Institute of Classical Architecture & Art Southeast Chapter hosts the 16th annual PHILIP TRAMMELL SHUTZE AWARDS CELEBRATION. Held at the Piedmont Driving Club, this black-tie event will highlight excellence in classical and traditional design in categories such as architecture, interior design, landscape architecture and garden design, restoration and more. classicist-se.org/shutze-awards

Photo courtesy of ADAC

SEP. 20-22 The Atlanta Decorative Arts Center presents its annual DISCOVER ADAC, a three-day event dedicated to inspirational design conversations. Don’t miss AH&L’s keynote presentation with Editor-In-Chief Lauren Iverson alongside Lauren Davenport Imber, James Wheeler and Jason Mitchell on Sep. 22 at 1 p.m. adacatlanta.com

SEP. 23-OCT. 16 | Don’t miss the 2022 SERENBE DESIGNER SHOWHOUSE beginning September 23 – October 16th! Located in the Grange hamlet of Serenbe, the Showhouse is designed by Serenbe Planning + Design and built by 10/23 construction. It will showcase the talents of 15 of Atlanta’s top interior designers, with finishing selections by lead designers Mister + Mrs Sharp across more than 5,000 square feet.​​​​​​​​ serenbeshowhouse.com

Dana Haugarrd, Warm Thick Heavy Air

SEP. 29- OCT. 2 | Featuring specialized activations by more than 20 participating galleries, museums, institutions and nonprofit spaces, the first annual ATLANTA ART WEEK celebrates contemporary style for artists and collectors alike. Founded by Kendra Walker, the event aims to showcase Atlanta’s rich cultural history and rapidly growing art scene. atlantaartweek.co

Photo courtesy of Virginia-Highland Tour of Homes

OCT. 1 | THE VIRGINIA-HIGHLAND TOUR OF HOMES is back on October 1, 2022 with six beautiful properties included on this year’s tour. From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., enjoy a Saturday of beautiful architecture and interior design in one of Atlanta’s most charming neighborhoods. Known for its historic residences, unique shops and fabulous local restaurants, the Virginia-Highland Tour of Homes is the perfect way to spend the day. vahitourofhomes.org